Sample Print Outs:

Turbo-Doc can print the same patient visit document in multiple formats. Thus your office consultation note for your personal records can also be printed as the letter to the referring physician or a history and physical for the Hospital.

You can complete your patients chart and have Turbo-Doc format the print out to match the required purpose.

Turbo-Doc also allows you to fax directly from the program to your referring physicians or hospital, saving your office time and manpower resources.

Turbo-Doc documents may be exported to multiple different file formats, including Adobe Acrobat(.pdf file), ASCII text files (.txt file) and Rich Text Format (.rtf file used in Word and WordPad). These files may also be passed to your email program and sent as attachements.

To view the various formats the same record may be printed click on links to the .pdf files below:

Office Consult: Click Here to View  
Hospital History and Physical: Click Here to View  
Procedure Specific Informed Consent Form: Click Here to View  
Admission Orders: Click Here to View  
Operative Summary: Click Here to View  
Procedure Reports: Click Here to View  
Hospital Discharge Summary: Click Here to View  
SOAP Notes in Office and Hospital: Click Here to View  
Letter to Referring Physician: Click Here to View  



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Voice 530 877-8650 (9 AM to 5 PM MTWTh and 9 AM to noon on Friday)

E-mail:  TurboDoc@TurboDoc.Com Fax: (530) 877-8621

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